4 Quotes & Sayings By William Todd Schultz

William Todd Schultz is the founder and CEO of The Motivation & Leadership Group. He is a national and international speaker and author of over twenty books, including The Leader Within: Unlocking the Power of Your Mind, The Catalyst: A Framework for Strengths-Based Leadership, and Ultimate Leadership. His most recent book, Unleash Your Leadership Potential: How to Use Your Strengths to Transform Any Organization, was published by Harper Collins.

And what the music elicits–in me, in most everyone who hears it and takes to it–is a strangely comforting, sensual melancholy, a gentle sadness, the kind that comes with soft rain. It’s the same for all truly great dark art. There’s a pleasure in seeing our shadows paraded beautifully. It’s liberating to find them so prettily decked out, a sort of reverse Halloween. William Todd Schultz
By now it is a ready-made cliché–the rock star dying young, whether by excess, by accident, or by suicide. For some, it’s part of the act, macabre performance art, a final song. This last mode, suicide, can be elusive. In fact, it almost always is. It might masquerade as excess–reckless, immoderate drug use. There is subintentioned suicide too. The person may simultaneously wish to live and die. No special effort is made to stay alive, but none is made to keep living, either outcome perfectly acceptable. William Todd Schultz
Elliott was disarmingly bright, according to everyone who knew him, an avid reader of Dostoevsky, Kafka, Beckett, Stendhal, Freud, the Buddha, all of whom destabilized notions of identity. I think he knew how little we know about who we are. The idea comes through in lyrics. “I don’t know who I am, ” he says simply; at times he wishes he were no one. He’s a stickman shooting blanks at emptiness, living with “one dimension dead.” He’s an invisible man with a see-through mind. He’s a junkyard full of false starts. He’s a ghost-writer, feeling hollow. . William Todd Schultz